Just War Theory and U.S. Foreign Policy: Course Calendar
In most cases the optional readings are usually recommended only if the topic touches directly on your term paper.
I will also forward newspaper articles by e-mail from time to time to keep us up to date on events as they unfold. The on-line magazine, Slate (
www.slate.msn.com), offers a helpful digest of the major U.S. newspapers every day. You can find it on their web-site and/or subscribe to have it sent to you for free by e-mail. The Tripp reading due on February 6th is a bit long. You should start on it early.
An Introduction to the Course
Tuesday, January 21st
Preliminaries and introductions
Just War Theory
The confrontation in the Gulf: Some background
Disclaimers and qualifications
Why U.S. foreign policy?
Objectivity and neutrality in the classroom
Unit One: An Introduction to Morality and War
I. Morality and Writing: Clarity and Commitment
Thursday, January 23rd
Orwell on language
Different genres: philosophical, polemical, literary, journalistic, etc.
Philosophical Writing
Orwell. Politics and the English Language (Electronic Reserve)
Strunk and White. II. Elementary Principles of Composition
II. A Case Study: Truman and Hiroshima
Thursday, January 28th
Anscombe. Mr. Trumans Degree (Handout)
Strunk and White. III. A Few Matters of Form
Assignment #1: Outlining an Argument
III. An Introduction to Moral Theory: Consequentialist and Deontological Approaches
Tuesday, January 30th
Moral reasoning
Consequentialist versus absolutist considerations about war
Nagel. War and Massacre (on JSTOR)
Walzer. 'Supreme Emergency' (Chapter 16) in Just and Unjust Wars (Course Reserve)
Assignment #2: Explicating an Argument
Thursday, February 4th
Norman, Chapter 3: Killing and letting die
IV. An Overview of Just War Theory
Tuesday, February 6th
Aquinas. Excerpt from the Summa Theologica (Electronic Reserve)
Coates, Chapter 4: The just war
By this time you should have read Tripp, Chapter 6: The Bath and the rule of Saddam Husain
Orend. A Just-War Critique of Realism and Pacifism (Electronic Reserve)
Tuesday February 11th
Discussion of your position papers.
Strunk and White. V. An Approach to Style
Assignment #3: Position paper
Unit Two: Jus ad Bellum (Just Cause)
I. Just Cause
Thursday, February 13th
Traditional just cause considerations
The distinction between just causes and just aims
Coates, Chapter 6: Just cause
McMahan and McKim. The Just War and the Gulf War (Electronic Reserve). You only need to read pages 501 to 506.
Regan, Chapter 3: The Just War Decision: Traditional Just-Cause Considerations in Just War: Principles and Cases (Course Reserve)
Walzer. 'The Theory of Aggression' (Part Two) in Just and Unjust Wars (Course Reserve)
Tuesday, February 18th
Norman, Chapter 4: Killing in self-defence
Date: __________
Does the U.S. have just cause in Iraq?
Preemption versus prevention
Pollack. Next Stop Baghdad? (Electronic Reserve)
Matlock. Deterring the Undeterrable:
Walzer. Anticipations (Electronic Reserve)
Mearsheimer and Walt. An Unnecessary War:
The British Governments Dossier on the threat posed by Iraq:
Butler. Excerpt from The Greatest Threat (Electronic Reserve)
Elend. Ten Reasons Not to "Do" Iraq:
http://www.cato.org/dailys/08-19-02.html The British Governments Report on Human Rights in Iraq:
II. Right Intention
Date: __________
Does intention matter? Whose intentions?
Does hypocrisy matter? How much, and when?
Regan. The Just War Decision: Right Intention (Handout)
Hitchens. Realpolitik in the Gulf: A Game Gone Tilt (Electronic Reserve)
Does Hypocrisy Matter? (Handout)
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. What a Difference Four Years Makes:
Human Rights Watch. 'Iraq'. This is an excerpt from Human Rights Watchs 1990 Report, The Bush Administrations Record on Human Rights in 1989. (Electronic Reserve)
Human Rights Watch report on Turkeys treatment of the Kurds, available at: http://www.hrw.org/reports/1995/Turkey.htm (especially summary)
Dobbs. U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup:
Hitchens. Kissingers Green Light to Suharto:
http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20020218&s=hitchens Chomsky. Who Are the Global Terrorists?:
http://www.zmag.org/content/ForeignPolicy/chomskyglobeterr.cfm Scheer. Do As We Say, Not As We Do:
Assignment #4: Relevance Paper
IV. Macro-Proportionality
Date: __________
The costs of war: Part I.
Coates, Chapter 7: Proportionality and the recourse to war
Cheney on the dangers of war: www.slate.msn.com/?id=2072609
Fallows. The Fifty-First State?:
www.theatlantic.com/issues/2002/11/fallows.htm Human Rights Watch: Iraq: Civilians Could Pay a High Price:
Nordhaus. Iraq: The Economic Consequences of War:
Date: __________
The costs of war: Part II
McMahan and McKim. The Just War and the Gulf War (Electronic Reserve). You only need to read pages 506 to 518.
Human Rights Watch. Dangerous Dealings: Changes to U.S. Military Assistance After September 11th : http://hrw.org/reports/2002/usmil/USass0202.pdf
Human Rights Watch. Uzbekistan: U.S. Rubber Stamps Human Rights: http://hrw.org/press/2002/09/uzbek0909.htm
Assignment #5: Brainstorming for a paper
V. Other Jus ad Bellum Criteria
Date: __________
Coates, Chapter 5: Legitimate authority
Coates, Chapter 8: Last resort
U.N. Charter. You only need to read the Preamble, Articles 1 and 2 (especially Article 2(4) banning the unilateral use of force), Chapter V, Chapter VII (especially Articles 39-45 and Article 51): http://www.un.org/Overview/Charter/contents/html
Regan, Chapter 2: The Just War Decision: Legitimate Authority (Course Reserve)
Unit Three: Jus in Bello (Just Conduct)
I. Discrimination
Date: __________
An introduction to the doctrine of double effect
Distinguishing between combatants and non-combatants
Zinn. The Others: www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20020211&s=zinn&c=1
Young. Letter to the Nation (Handout)
Regan, Chapter 6. Just War Conduct (Course Reserve)
Date: __________
Anscombe. War and Murder (Electronic Reserve)
Coates, Chapter 10: Noncombatant immunity
Assignment #6: Relevance paper
Date: __________
Excerpt from Human Rights Watch Report, Needless Deaths in the Gulf War. (Electronic Reserve)
Norman, Chapter 5: Killing the innocent
A report on urban warfare produced by the U.S. military: http://www.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/international/021021dod_report.pdf
Assignment #7: Outline and structure
II. Micro-Proportionality
Date: __________
Proportionality and fighting
American military decisions: Balancing danger to U.S. troops against danger to Iraqi civilians
Fighting fair
Coates, Chapter 9: Proportionality and the conduct of war
The Geneva Convention: http://www.hrweb.org/legal/geneva1.html
Excerpt from Human Rights Watch Report, Needless Deaths in the Gulf War. (Electronic Reserve)
Walzer. 'Winning and Fighting Well' (Chapter 14) in Just and Unjust Wars (Course Reserve)
Unit Four: Jus Post Bellum (Just Settlement)
Date: __________
Topics Just settlement
A closer look at unconditional surrender
Rebuilding Iraq
Orend. Jus Post Bellum (Electronic Reserve)
Coates, Chapter 11: Peacemaking
Human Rights Watch. Afghanistan: Torture and Political Repression in Herat: U.S. and U.N. Strategy Fails the Afghan People:
First Draft of Term Papers due
Unit Five: A Case Study of Iraq
In this Unit, we will spend most of our time work-shopping your final papers. This will include Assignment #9, in which you take part in peer evaluations. We will also read a selection (yet to be determined) of papers from the list below:
Johnson. The Just War Tradition and the American Military (Electronic Reserve)
Kavka. Was the Gulf War a Just War? (Electronic Reserve)
McMahan and McKim. The Just War and the Gulf War (Electronic Reserve)
Miller. Terrorism, War and Empire (Electronic Reserve)
Note: Final drafts of your paper are due the last day of class.